It is undeniable that Asians in general are better test takers, relative to the rest in the world. China, India, and South Korea have combinedly pulled the bar up in the standardized tests, and forced graduate schools to consider the applicants from these countries using a different performance yardstick than what is for others. When one changes the definition of what academic success is the same students who were at the top echelon vanish from the rank log of the best. What is the problem and what we can do? The primary weaknesses that Asian applicants face is the deficit in `true’ contribution to pursuits outside academics. Be it charity or community related altruism or experimenting stuffs to gain real insights into how things work. All these which are valued in the US educational context are either ignored or affectedly forced or genuinely sought but unfortunately the environment lacked. All one does is to become an expert in test taking without questioning knowledge or exposing oneself to varied experiences. And more fundamentally, the ability to express in writing and speaking, which is central to managing one’s perception to others, is at best crudely formed, and, at worst, does not exist. In short many Asian applicants come with less `transitional’ experiences outside theoretical learning, and they are short on skills to express themselves well. A corrective to these deficits should begin with intent of recognizing that education transcends GPA, and it has to manifest through participation and learning from the wide theater of life. Expression in oral and written form should be given higher emphasis. By just comparing the Resume of an American candidate and an Asian candidate, one would not just see the range of varied experiences in the American’s portfolio, but also the meticulousness with which it was prepared, with almost no glaring spelling errors and formatting flaws. Is not in the details we show ourselves the most. These make all the difference. If we get the true definition of education, evolve our expressive skills, and be little more careful in what we do, we believe Asians may go farther and to the choicest places that appear elusive now.