When you apply to grad school, you are expected to know what you will be focusing on in the program. Telling that you are broadly interested in the field is perhaps not as convincing as pointing to a specialization, and giving the reason why that area is great for you and you are interested in. When the desire is specific, it comes out as authentic, and lends credibility to your purpose. And it is also easier to write something substantial on a specific topic than trying to grapple with any field which is likely to be too broad to be given proper depth to thought. So we suggest that you come with specific intent, unless, your professional requirement is that you got to have a broad grasp, and such instances are likely to be few, because the path after graduation would probably be narrow, and asking you to do a specific job well. Keep a thing in mind, if your SOP sounds general, vague, inconsistent, too much about your history and too less of your future efforts, too much about your participation and too less of insights, too much about the courses taken and too less of what you have done, too much of bragging and too less of acts that touched the lives of others, what you have written may not plead for you.